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LAME DUCK (aka piqué or posé turn en dehor)

Writer: michellehiggins279michellehiggins279

Updated: Oct 31, 2020

A Lame Duck also known as a piqué or posé turn en dehor is aptly named because the up down motion of this step gives the appearance of the dancer hobbling on one leg. Like a piqué turn this step is most commonly taken during the coda and most professional dancers would perform a double with the arms opening to second and then fourth crossed as they turn. Below I will describe how to do a lame duck and things to watch out for.

How to:

  1. Standing in fifth position right foot facing croisé DSL the arms in bras bas*

  2. Dégagé devant taking the arms to third ordinaire facing the direction you are traveling to.

  3. Fondu onto the right leg with the left to second en l’air arms in second facing the direction you are traveling to.

  4. As you start the turn replace the right leg by stepping up onto a straight left leg with the right leg in retiré.

  5. As you turn the arms should be in first position and you should spot the direction you are traveling to.

  6. As you come to the end of the turn you fondu back onto the right leg with the left leg second en l’air with the arms in second to start the movement again.

* can be performed with the left foot in front facing DSR

Things to think about:

Open and Closing - Think of an opening and closing action of the arms the same way you would a piqué turn. You open the arms to second as you travel to the corner and then close them as you turn.

Spotting - Whether traveling to the corner or in a circle you need to spot in this movement. This will help you to turn, the head needs to be the last thing to leave and the first to arrive. If traveling in a circle think about traveling in a square instead, spot the wall you are traveling to as you turn each corner.

Fondu - After each turn you need to be doing a tombé (falling) out of the position into your fondu. This falling action will help you to deepen your fondu and ensure you can replace the left leg easily as you bring it in.

Replace - As the left leg is pulled in and replaces the right leg this undercutting action needs to be tight and close to the right foot. If not you will find it difficult to turn easily.

At Balletic we follow the bbodance ballet syllabus which in turn uses the Gail Grant Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet for all of it’s terminology. Diagrams may be different to what you are used to based on the school of ballet that you follow.

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